
It's easy to deploy Sprnva application to a hosting server no need to scratch your head with all of the configurations.


  1. Select all files and directories of your Sprnva application except for .git directory if present.

  2. Paste or drag the selected files and directories to your hosting's domain directory

  3. If config.php is not present, duplicate config.example.php and rename it to config.php.

  4. edit the config.php and fill in your credentials. Please check the base_url and match it to your hosting's domain directory

  5. If your application require a database, then add a database to your hosting.

  6. If you have migration file to migrate, you can migrate it using the migration module and click the migrate button.

  7. Change the environment to production in config.php

  8. You can now access your application.

Enjoy your sprnva flavoured application in a hosted server.

Last updated