Function Helpers
Generate random characters
Sprnva has a function helpers. It's just a normal functions that you can call in your controllers or in views.
You will find the function helpers at config/function.helpers.php
. Then this is how you declare a helper function.
Copy <?php
function test(){
return "Hello World";
You can now access and use these helper function in your controllers and views.
Public directory
This is how to access public directory with a helper function.
Copy public_url('/favicon.ico');
Generate random characters
Sprnva has a helper function that can generate random characters good for (ex: product_code, project_code etc.)
. Accepts a parameter $length
which means how many characters you wanted to print.
Copy <?php
randChar($length = 6);
Redirect use to redirect to another page with a message.
Copy <?php
// redirect($route, $message = []);
redirect('/register', ["message" => "Success register", "status" => "success"]);
Register an alert message
Copy <?php
// with_msg(["message" => "", "status" => ""]));
with_msg(["message" => "Success register", "status" => "success"]));
Display the message as alert with color
Dump and Die
Sometime we need to dump something to know the value of that particular $variable
so dd()
helper comes to help.
For simplicity and more readable code we added a helper function to get the instance of our database connection.
Copy // DB()
$customerData = DB()->selectLoop('*', 'customers', "id > 0");
redirect to an error page then die(). This will show the error page base on the error code.
Copy <?php
// abort($code, $customMessage = '');
abort(500, 'Internal Error');
This will hash the given value and return a hash string
Copy // bcrypt($value);
Check the given plain value against a hash and return a bool
Copy // checkHash($value, $hashedValue);
checkHash('adminpassword', '$2y$10$Y4gA0DYX3djhWmMsUrHxL.sF.KVqz5xF37oh.GRVUVjoU9yS03Mia');
List of all error codes.
Copy $codes = [
100 => 'Continue',
101 => 'Switching Protocols',
102 => 'Processing',
103 => 'Early Hints',
200 => 'OK',
201 => 'Created',
202 => 'Accepted',
203 => 'Non-Authoritative Information',
204 => 'No Content',
205 => 'Reset Content',
206 => 'Partial Content',
207 => 'Multi-Status',
208 => 'Already Reported',
226 => 'IM Used',
300 => 'Multiple Choices',
301 => 'Moved Permanently',
302 => 'Found',
303 => 'See Other',
304 => 'Not Modified',
305 => 'Use Proxy',
306 => 'Switch Proxy',
307 => 'Temporary Redirect',
308 => 'Permanent Redirect',
400 => 'Bad Request',
401 => 'Unauthorized',
402 => 'Payment Required',
403 => 'Forbidden',
404 => 'Not Found',
405 => 'Method Not Allowed',
406 => 'Not Acceptable',
407 => 'Proxy Authentication Required',
408 => 'Request Timeout',
409 => 'Conflict',
410 => 'Gone',
411 => 'Length Required',
412 => 'Precondition Failed',
413 => 'Request Entity Too Large',
414 => 'Request-URI Too Long',
415 => 'Unsupported Media Type',
416 => 'Requested Range Not Satisfiable',
417 => 'Expectation Failed',
418 => "I'm a teapot",
421 => 'Misdirected Request',
422 => 'Unprocessable Entity',
423 => 'Locked',
424 => 'Failed Dependency',
425 => 'Too Early',
426 => 'Upgrade Required',
428 => 'Precondition Required',
429 => 'Too Many Requests',
431 => 'Request Header Fields Too Large',
451 => 'Unavailable For Legal Reasons',
499 => 'Client Closed Request',
500 => 'Internal Server Error',
501 => 'Not Implemented',
502 => 'Bad Gateway',
503 => 'Service Unavailable',
504 => 'Gateway Timeout',
505 => 'HTTP Version Not Supported',
506 => 'Variant Also Negotiates',
507 => 'Insufficient Storage',
508 => 'Loop Detected',
510 => 'Not Extended',
511 => 'Network Authentication Required',
599 => 'Network Connect Timeout Error',
check if user role has permission
Copy // return boolean true and false
gate_denies($access = '', $message = '')
Sanitize strings trim, stripslashes, htmlspecialchars
Copy sanitizeString($data, $stripslashes = true, $trim = true)
Set a route to redirect
Copy route($route, $data = "")
Require a view.php page
Copy // you can use compact() method on the second parameter
view($name, $data = [])
Show the current version of the framework
This will add a hidden input with csrf token
Get the app root path
Get the app vendor path